The Game
With leagues to suit all abilities JD Fives offers the best value 5 a side football in Hampshire, with various venues including Southampton, Swanmore, Andover, Eastleigh, Chandlers Ford, Hythe and the New Forest. Matches are played on the most advanced artificial grass pitches available in the UK.
Our great facilities allow you to play real football whatever the
weather, the score centre will keep everyone up-to-date and our
zero tolerance policy on violent, aggressive or anti-social
behaviour means you can concentrate on enjoying your match
each and every week.

New Team Deals
Free Trial Games - No obligation or commitment to join
Pay in advance and save 10% on match fees
Want to play twice a week, you may qualify for a free season!
More Details
Leagues and Team availability
For information on our venues please follow the link to the venue page, For specific venue availability please contact the team now.
Prizes go to League winners,
League and Overall golden boot winers.

Rules in Brief
Real Football
Matches last 35-40min depending on venue
Keepers ARE allowed out of their areas
Players ARE allowed into opposing teams areas
The ball MAY be played over head height
Keep the game moving
Under arm throw ins
Keeper may not kick from hand
3mtr/9Ft space between ball and defender for corners,
kicks and throw-ins.
Safe and Friendly play
No Sliding whatsoever - Includes tackles and blocks
No Studs or Moulded Boots
Shin Pads and Long Socks MUST be worn by all players
Blue Card = 4 minute Sin Bin(recently replaced yellow cards in small sided football)2 X Blue cards = Red card = 2 week Ban Red Card - Sent off and automatic minimum 4 week Ban(Swearing at the ref = Red card)
Violent Conduct - ANY player who strikes another player in
attack or retaliation will face a minimum 10 week ban.
JD5s will ban for life any player or team it feels threatens the
safety of other teams, referees, staff or members of the public.
We will ban players and teams who break these rules, violence on the football pitch is unacceptable and any incidents may lead to lifetime bans and criminal prosecution. Full rules are attached to all registration documents, copies are available on request.
JD Fives 5 a side football
Hampshire FA's Official Partner for Refereeing 2012-2016 |