5 A Side Football Leagues Across Hampshire
190+ teams play every week
34 different leagues mean theres a place for all abilities
9 venues - 5 nights - Play when you want, where you want.
Free matches every week!
To give every new team the chance to check out our facilities and management we are offering free friendlies and training sessions each week. As soon as your ready to commit to one of our leagues we will register your team and book your place, if your not sure we'll just organise you another free, no obligation friendly.
We guarantee you won't want to play your 5 a side anywhere else!

Here are just some of the reasons teams choose JD Fives
Best leagues in town
Up to 40 teams playing each night
Perfect 5 a side facilities
World class surfaces -
Bigger pitches - No boards
Multiple venues and nights
Free Trial Matches
Available to all new teams
Big discounts available
Youth subsidy - Pay in advance - Enter a 2nd team
Real Football Rules
Overhead height allowed - regular Throw Ins etc
FA Afillliated Leagues
We use FA
qualified refs (unafilliated leagues cannot)
Dedicated, friendly league managers
Quality match balls and bibs
Best online Score centre
No Hassle - Just Real Football

There may be no such thing as a perfect referee but our full affilliation to Hampshire FA helps us provide the best, qualified refs every week to ensure your games are as enjoyable as possible.
JD Fives 5 A Side Football
Hampshire FA's Official Partner for Refereeing 2012-2016 |