function cdd_menu856336(){//////////////////////////Start Menu Data/////////////////////////////////
//**** NavStudio, (c) 2004, OpenCube Inc., - ****
//Note: This data file may be manually customized outside of the visual interface.
//Unique Menu Id
this.uid = 856336
Icon Images
//Inline positioned icon images (flow with the item text)
this.rel_icon_image0 = "large_green_right.gif"
this.rel_icon_rollover0 = "large_green_right.gif"
this.rel_icon_image_wh0 = "9,11"
//Pointer icon images (follow the mouse)
this.point_icon_image0 = "large_green_down.gif"
this.point_icon_image_wh0 = "11,9"
this.point_icon_image_xy0 = "0,0"
this.point_icon_image_br0 = false
this.point_icon_image1 = "large_green_right.gif"
this.point_icon_image_wh1 = "9,11"
this.point_icon_image_xy1 = "0,0"
this.point_icon_image_br1 = false
Global - Menu Container Settings
this.menu_background_color = "#d5bd9b"
this.menu_border_color = "#aad287"
this.menu_border_width = "1"
this.menu_padding = "0,0,0,0"
this.menu_border_style = "solid"
this.divider_caps = false
this.divider_width = 0
this.divider_height = 0
this.divider_background_color = "transparent"
this.divider_border_style = "none"
this.divider_border_width = 0
this.divider_border_color = "#000000"
this.menu_is_horizontal = false
this.menu_width = "130"
this.menu_xy = "-100,-10"
/* this.menu_scroll_direction = 1
this.menu_scroll_reverse_on_hide = true
this.menu_scroll_delay = 0
this.menu_scroll_step = 5*/
this.menu_background_image = ""
this.menu_animation = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.none(duration=0.3)"
Global - Menu Item Settings
this.icon_point = 0
this.menu_items_background_color_roll = "#aad287"
this.menu_items_text_color = "#ffffff"
this.menu_items_text_decoration = "none"
this.menu_items_font_family = "Verdana"
this.menu_items_font_size = "11px"
this.menu_items_font_style = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_weight = "normal"
this.menu_items_text_align = "left"
this.menu_items_padding = "4,5,4,5"
this.menu_items_border_style = "solid"
this.menu_items_border_color = "#f2ebe1"
this.menu_items_border_width = 0
this.menu_items_width = 110
this.menu_items_text_decoration_roll = "none"
this.menu_items_background_image = "../new-scorecentre/navigation/"
this.menu_items_background_color = "#4f9d12"
this.menu_items_text_color_roll = "#5b9633"
Main Menu Settings
this.icon_point_main = 0
this.menu_background_image_main = "navbg.gif"
this.menu_items_background_image_main = "navbg.gif"
this.menu_border_style_main = "none"
this.menu_items_border_style_main = "none"
this.menu_border_width_main = "0"
this.menu_padding_main = "0,0,0,0"
this.menu_items_padding_main = "0,0,0,0"
this.menu_items_text_align_main = "center"
this.menu_items_width_main = 100
this.menu_is_horizontal_main = true
this.divider_width_main = 0
this.divider_height_main = 0
this.item0 = ""
this.item_roll0 = ""
this.item1 = ""
this.item_roll1 = ""
this.item2 = ""
this.item_roll2 = ""
this.item3 = ""
this.item_roll3 = ""
this.item4 = ""
this.item_roll4 = ""
this.item5 = ""
this.item_roll5 = ""
this.item6 = ""
this.item_roll6 = ""
this.item_width0 = 63
this.item_width1 = 78
this.item_width2 = 89
this.item_width3 = 129
this.item_width4 = 124
this.item_width5 = 145
this.item_width6 = 110
Sub Menu Settings
//Sub Menu 0
this.icon_point0 = 1
this.menu_background_color0 = "#5b9633"
this.menu_items_font_family0 = "Verdana"
this.menu_items_font_weight0 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_style0 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_size0 = "11px"
this.menu_xy0 = "-60,2"
this.divider_width0 = 0
this.divider_height0 = 0
this.divider_background_color0 = "transparent"
this.item0_0 = "Score Centre"
this.item0_1 = "Main Site"
this.item_background_color_roll0_0 = "#aad287"
this.item_background_color_roll0_1 = "#aad287"
this.url0_0 = "../index.aspx"
this.url0_1 = "../../"
//Sub Menu 1
this.icon_point1 = 1
this.menu_background_color1 = "#5b9633"
this.menu_items_font_family1 = "Verdana"
this.menu_items_font_weight1 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_style1 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_size1 = "11px"
this.menu_xy1 = "-74,2"
this.menu_width1 = 131
this.divider_width1 = 0
this.divider_height1 = 0
this.divider_background_color1 = "transparent"
this.item1_0 = "All Teams"
this.item_background_color1_0 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_0 = "../all-teams.aspx"
this.item1_1 = "Mon - Wide Lane"
this.icon_point1_1 = 1
this.menu_background_color1_1 = "#4f9d12"
this.menu_width1_1 = 131
this.item_background_color_roll1_1 = "#aad287"
this.item1_1_0 = "Premier"
this.item_background_color1_1_0 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_1_0 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=10&LG_ID=1098"
this.item1_1_1 = "Championship"
this.item_background_color1_1_1 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_1_1 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=10&LG_ID=1099"
this.item1_1_2 = "Division 1"
this.item_background_color1_1_2 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_1_2 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=10&LG_ID=1100"
this.item1_1_3 = "Division 2"
this.item_background_color1_1_3 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_1_3 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=10&LG_ID=1101"
this.item1_2 = "Wed - Wide Lane"
this.icon_point1_2 = 1
this.menu_background_color1_2 = "#4f9d12"
this.menu_width1_2 = 131
this.item_background_color_roll1_2 = "#aad287"
this.item1_2_0 = "Premier"
this.item_background_color1_2_0 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_2_0 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=24&LG_ID=1094"
this.item1_2_1 = "Championship"
this.item_background_color1_2_1 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_2_1 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=24&LG_ID=1095"
this.item1_2_2 = "Division 1"
this.item_background_color1_2_2 = "#4f9d12"
this.url1_2_2 = "../league.aspx?LT_ID=24&LG_ID=1096"
//Sub Menu 2
this.icon_point2 = 1
this.menu_background_color2 = "#5b9633"
this.menu_xy2 = "-92,2"
this.divider_width2 = 0
this.divider_height2 = 0
this.divider_background_color2 = "transparent"
this.item_text_decoration_roll2_0 = "none"
this.item_background_color2_1 = "#4f9d12"
this.item2_0 = "Mon - Wide Lane"
this.item_background_color2_0 = "#4f9d12"
this.url2_0 = "../gallery.aspx?LT_ID=10"
this.item2_1 = "Wed - Wide Lane"
this.item_background_color2_1 = "#4f9d12"
this.url2_1 = "../gallery.aspx?LT_ID=24"
//Sub Menu 3
this.icon_point3 = 1
this.menu_background_color3 = "#5b9633"
this.menu_items_font_family3 = "Verdana"
this.menu_items_font_weight3 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_style3 = "normal"
this.menu_items_font_size3 = "11px"
this.menu_xy3 = "-128,2"
this.divider_width3 = 0
this.divider_height3 = 0
this.divider_background_color3 = "transparent"
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